Beach Body Killers

Beach Body Killers

Researchers have proven that SUGAR is a key contributor to weight gain. But how?

When you eat a lot of sugar, it causes your blood glucose to rise. Your body produces insulin to get the glucose out of your blood and into the cells to be used for energy. Over time, your body can build a resistance to insulin which means that your pancreas works harder to create the same balance. When the resistance to insulin reaches a critical point, it can result in type II diabetes. But first, your body begins storing an overabundance of fat in your fat cells. The worst part? Not only do you start “gaining weight” but your body has a tough time getting the energy out of the fat cells, which means your brain thinks you are hungry, and you eat even more. What a vicious cycle!

Chronic STRESS is not fun to deal with, but did you know it can also affect your weight?

When you are stressed out, it is more likely that you will over-eat and less likely that you will get enough sleep and exercise. Stress causes your body to release cortisol, a hormone that can produce a build-up of fatty tissue and cause weight gain. Cortisol increases both your appetite and the amount of fat the body stores. By recognizing your stressors, and engaging in a few simple relaxation techniques, you can learn to reduce your body’s natural stress response.

A SEDENTARY LIFESTYLE affects your health and vitality.

Your body is meant to move. Moving your body releases endorphins which help you feel good, relaxes your mind which reduces stress, and burns calories to keep you looking great.

Long hours commuting in your car or sitting at a desk can place a lot of stress on your musculoskeletal system. If your spine and core muscles are weak and unstable, then you are more likely to suffer an injury which can cause a downward spiral that impacts your relationships with food, sleep, and exercise. Taking a pro-active approach to your exercise routine is crucial to live your best life.

How you move, eat, and think every day will determine your success

All three are part of maintaining an active lifestyle. So where does Chiropractic fit in?

Research has suggested that periodic Chiropractic care can help evaluate, detect and treat emerging problems. In addition, Chiropractic has been shown to reduce the stress and tension in the muscles that support your head and neck.


The next time you are feeling stressed out, take a moment to breathe a few deep breaths and try to get some exercise into your schedule that day. Not only will you feel better mentally, but your body will be able to reduce the amount of Cortisol produced which will limit your body’s fat storage and help curb any thoughts of over-eating.

Even 15 minutes of walking during your afternoon break can provide you with the health benefits you are looking for. Burning an extra hundred calories per day (which could be accomplished with 10 minutes of walking) adds up to thousands of calories each month. Continue that trend, and you will notice inches falling off your waistline before you know it!

Staying fit and healthy can be challenging, and we’re here for you. We know that by moving your body, making smart dietary choices, and managing your stress, sets you up for a healthy life.

Science Source(s):

* The Role of Exercise and Physical Activity in Weight Loss and Maintenance. Prog Cardiovasc Dis 2015

* Hair Cortisol and Adiposity in a Population‐Based Sample of 2,527 Men and Women Aged 54 to 87 years. Obesity 2017

* Sugar Consumption, Metabolic Disease and Obesity: The State of the Controversy. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci.  2016

* Glucose Metabolic Changes in the Brain and Muscles of Patients with Nonspecific Neck Pain Treated by Spinal Manipulation Therapy.Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2017

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