The Patient Journey
come for pain relief, stay for wellness
Ready to Make a Positive Change?
Laying the foundation to accelerate your healing process
Achieving health is like building a house – certain things have to happen in a particular order in order for everything to stand strong and work correctly. When building a house, if you tried to put up your walls before you had a solid foundation, your walls would be weak and eventually collapse. If you tried to put on your roof before the walls were ready, you would run into the same problem. The same is true for your body. Your body has to go through a particular plan of care in order to repair itself correctly and fully. There are three general phases of chiropractic care.

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will instruct his patient in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."
- Thomas Edison
The Vizuri Way to Optimal Health
Pain Relief
If you are in pain when you come into our office, the first objective is to help you feel better quickly. We will begin by addressing acute spasms, inflammation and begin the spinal alignment process. Depending on the severity of your problem, it is typical to need 2-10 visits to help you move through the acute stage of care.
During the rehabilitative phase, the focus is to accelerate your healing and tissue remodeling. Muscles and other tissues are allowed to heal more completely, thereby helping prevent re-injury. We measure your progress on how well your body functions, compared to basing progress on your symptoms It is typical to need 24-48 visits, depending on your overall health and the severity of your problem.
As your healing journey progresses, the focus of care moves into supporting the tissues that take more time to heal and helping the nervous system communicate 100% with all parts of the body. Lifestyle and dietary recommendations may be added to your program. During this phase of healing it is typical to need 18-30 visits, depending on your overall health.
Wellness Care
Once your body has fully healed, it is important to continue to build on the investment you have made in your health. Coming in for regular chiropractic adjustments is part of a healthy lifestyle. This helps to avoid problems in the future and sets the stage for a vibrant life. Usually, this only requires a quick visit to the chiropractor 1-2 times per month, based on your lifestyle and health goals.
We provide a dynamic approach to achieve your health goals. Utilizing Chiropractic, Spinal Decompression, Clinical Nutrition, and Rehab Therapy to target Headaches, Neck and Low Back Pain, Disc Injuries, and Chronic Inflammation, we will help you regain your health.
Contact us today to see if you qualify to start your patient journey.
Laying the Foundation
Achieving health is like building a house – certain things have to happen in a particular order in order for everything to stand strong and work correctly. When building a house, if you tried to put up your walls before you had a solid foundation, your walls would be weak and eventually collapse. If you tried to put on your roof before the walls were ready, you would run into the same problem. The same is true for your body. Your body has to go through a particular plan of care in order to repair itself correctly and fully. There are three general phases of chiropractic care.

Phase 1: Relief Care
If you are in pain when you come into our office, the first objective is to help you feel better. Depending on the severity of your problem, it is typical to need care 2-3 times per week for 4-12 weeks.
Phase 2: Corrective/Maintenance Care
During the corrective care phase, muscles and other tissues are allowed to heal more completely, thereby helping prevent injury. It is typical to need care 4-8 times per month for 6-24 months, depending on your overall health and the severity of your problem.
Phase 3: Prevention/Wellness Care
Once your body has fully healed, it is important to come in for periodic adjustments to avoid problems in the future. Usually, this only requires a quick visit to the chiropractor 1-4 times per month, based on your lifestyle and goals.
We provide a dynamic approach to achieve your health goals. Utilizing Chiropractic, Spinal Decompression, Clinical Nutrition, and Rehab Therapy to target Headaches, Neck and Low Back Pain, Disc Injuries, and Chronic Inflammation, we will help you regain your health.
Contact us today to see if you qualify to start your patient journey.